Tuesday 7 August 2007

A fools errand

As a subtext to writing the book I have been trying to "discover" if I am a writer. In much the same way I don't think carrying a rifle and wearing a uniform makes a soldier I don't think writing one book makes you a writer - although I will happily claim the title of "published author" if it is offered. That aside I've been reading the blogs of "writers". Those who claim the title of writer without hesitation. I found one - no I'm not sending you there, the content may not be to everyone's taste - who says that when she is being a writer the words pour out of her, in a torrent, without hesitation. On the flip side she has days where she wanders around the house idylly picking up things, reading randomly, unable to settle to the task. These things are true for me. Her personal view was that if writing is an agony and always a struggle then you should give it up...........I'm not so sure that is fair but I think I understood her point.
I've never read Virginia Woolf's "A Room of One's Own" but have shamelessly referenced the title in other places. I am reading it now, or at the very least I have started reading it. I am interested, her premise seems to be (and it is an historical text) that woman can only write if they have a personal space to do it, of course the counter (not mine but offered in the text) is that this would mean only woman of independent means can write as the "poor" or working class woman, who had to work, were unable to stop and have a room of their own.
Combined perhaps that is why, in modern day times, we still have so few service woman's stories - there is no time to stop and tell the story, having the room is irrelevant if you have no time to use it..........

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